Monday, June 28, 2010

Column or Bar Chart Item Width

Flex has Column and Bar charts which visualizes data in rectangular shapes.
To change the width of items flex provides two styles.
For column chart those are "columnWidthRatio" and "maxColumnWidth" of Number type.

columnWidthRatio specifies a ratio of wide to draw the columns relative to the category width,
as a percentage in the range of 0 to 1.
A value of 1 uses the entire space. The default value is 0.65.

maxColumnWidth specifies how wide to draw the columns, in pixels.

The actual column width used is the smaller of these two properties
Clustered columns divide this space proportionally among the columns in each cluster.

As width of the item depends on smaller of the two I kept one property constant and assigned the maximum value.
i.e. columnWidthRatio=1; Now one can assign any Number to the maxColumnWidth according to the requirement.

For Bar chart the styles are "barwidthRatio" and "maxBarWidth".

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Datagrid with Random Cell Colors

Flex has rich component sets having a lot of properties and styles to use according to our requirement. Even if we don't get our requirement, we can easily extend a component and add our stuffs to get the result. When It comes to give each cell a random background color or different background color I have extended a Datagrid component and overridden the protected function drawRowBackground().

By default flex Datagrid draws each row with same color from alternatingItemColors. We can use ItemRenderer to fulfil our job, however I think this is an easier trick.
  • Custom component extended from Datagrid
  • overrides the drawRowBackground() function to add random color.
               override protected function drawRowBackground(s:Sprite, rowIndex:int, y:Number, 
 height:Number, color:uint, dataIndex:int):void
// used the DisplayObject instead of ListBaseContentHolder because that is excluded
var disObj:DisplayObject = s.parent;
var background:Shape;
var redBias:Number = 0xFF;
var greenBias:Number = 0xFF;
var blueBias:Number = 0xFF;
if (rowIndex < s.numChildren)
background = Shape(s.getChildAt(rowIndex));
background = new FlexShape(); = "background";
background.y = y;
// Height is usually as tall is the items in the row, but not if
// it would extend below the bottom of listContent
var height:Number = Math.min(height,
disObj.height -
var g:Graphics =;
var xCoord:Number = 0;
var numColumns:int = this.columns.length; // number of columns
/* this will loop for no of columns and generate a random color
* x Coordinate increases as column no increases*/
for (var i:int=0; i < (numColumns); i++)
var ct:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 
Math.random() * redBias, Math.random() * greenBias, Math.random() * blueBias);
g.beginFill(ct.color, getStyle("backgroundAlpha"));
g.drawRect(xCoord, 0, unscaledWidth, height);
xCoord += DataGridColumn(this.columns[i]).width;

Now as the basic things done we can modify it according to our requirement.